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Walls brings mobile-free ‘mass participation AR’ to life in new DOOH campaign

Mindshare, GroupM OOH and have transformed two spectacular large format digital Out of Home screens in London and Manchester into ‘WinDOOHs’ in a first-of-its-kind augmented reality campaign for Wall’s ice cream.

Using the WinDOOH technology developed by for GroupM, the campaign sees augmented 3D animations including Wallie, a Wall’s ice cream freezer who has come to life, and the famous Wall’s products Cornetto and Twister interact seamlessly with the real world as if seen through a window.

Unlike traditional AR OOH executions, GroupM’s WinDOOH does not require viewers to use mobile devices to view the interactive elements. Instead, cameras integrated into the screens blend high-end visual effects, graphics, and animations with real-world video feeds. This innovation allows anyone viewing the screen to experience the AR elements with the naked eye, a technology has dubbed “mass participation AR.”

The WinDOOH billboards are part of a wider OOH campaign that will run alongside TV, digital, social media, podcasts, radio, and in-store activations all featuring Wallie and the iconic Wall’s red heart logo. Media planning and strategy was by Mindshare.

Louise Morley, Wall’s marketing manager, Unilever UK said: “Wall’s has been delivering ‘A Taste of Happiness since 1922’ and we are thrilled to launch this world-first activation that brings the magic of ice cream and the playfulness of Wall’s to life in such an interactive and engaging way.

“The WinDOOH technology is the perfect canvas for us to hero Wallie and showcase our new Wall’s Masterbrand campaign, creating memorable experiences that extend beyond traditional advertising. Out of Home is a key focus for us now and in the future, and this campaign exemplifies our commitment to innovation and creativity in this space.”

Mark Baschnonga, head of strategy, Mindshare UK added: “This innovative campaign utilises Out of Home advertising in a new way. This ground-breaking campaign is the first-ever to use AR motion on a large format out of home poster.

It takes the character, Wallie the Freezer, from the TV ad and brings him playfully crashing into the real world via the innovative WinDOOH format. This campaign challenges traditional formats to ensure people stop and smile with something more surprising and impactful. It is a great example of how creative and media can work together to bring to life a comms strategy.”

Daniel Cheetham, Creative Innovation Director at said: “As soon as we saw the Wallie character we knew the WinDOOH solution we’ve been cooking up would fit perfectly!

“The solution has us combining our hard earned Out of Home expertise, with the anamorphic and 3D creative production techniques we’re becoming famous for and dedicated focus to high quality character animation. We are pumped with the results and look forward to seeing how the public respond.”

The WinDooH element of the campaign launched on 24th June at Westfield Stratford and Manchester One. The campaign runs until 1st September.

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