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Sector fears job losses as Scottish Government calls halt on public service advertising

The Director General of the IPA has warned the Scottish Government that “[…] any stops to public service advertising could result in a loss of jobs in the sector.” 

The statement has been issued after Scottish Finance Secretary, Shona Robison ordered “emergency spending controls […] with immediate effect.”

She said that Scottish Government had been left in an “extraordinary position” as a result of the UK government’s cuts.

Robison told BBC Scotland News that “only absolutely essential spending” would be permitted. 

That means a recruitment freeze – except for only “absolutely critical” emergency service roles. 

Agencies were also informed this week that there would be a halt on all but essential marketing.

“From detecting cancer early, to mental health support, to road safety, to flu vaccinations, to nursing and teacher recruitment and organ donation – to name but a few, public service campaigns play a vital role in changing behaviours to improve the health of the nation and the economy, and in doing so reduce public costs over the long term,” stated Paul Bainsfair, Director General, IPA.

“While we appreciate the challenging financial position of the current Scottish economy, we very much believe that halting spend to public service advertising is a short-term decision that could cause dramatic long and indeed short-term damage for the population at large, as well as to the economy.”

“Furthermore, regarding the impact of this decision on the Scottish ad industry, given that the Scottish Government represents the single biggest advertiser in Scotland, any stops to public service advertising could result in a loss of jobs in the sector.”

Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner has denied that UK government spending decision have led to the cuts in Scotland. She spoke during talks with First Minister, John Swinney in Edinburgh yesterday. Her office said: “We are working closely with the Scottish government to make this as smooth a transition as possible.”

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