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Sci-Tech Daresbury welcomes 28 new tenants in ‘year like no other’

Project Violet

Sci-Tech Daresbury has welcomed 28 new tenants on site in 2020, despite enduring “a year like no other”.

The strong demand for lab space – driven by both new and growing existing tenants – means Techspace One (for more established businesses) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) labs for SMEs and microbusinesses,are likely to approach capacity by early 2021.

Demand for campus space has also been driven by international companies, such as Tangent Works (Belgium), Mish Mash (Bulgaria) and Factory Talk (Thailand).

In November, it was announced that the STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory was set to play a key role in developing a north west ‘space hub’ that would enable the North West to be instrumental in the multi-billion pound UK space industry.

The ongoing demand for high-quality office space is a key driver for the site’s newest development, Project Violet, with work starting on site in November at the £17.8m three-building development. This will offer a total of 42,000 sq ft for science and technology-focused businesses.

Investment of £8.4m from the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority provides cornerstone funding for Project Violet, which is expected to create or support 332 full-time equivalent jobs.

John Downes, Chief Executive Officer of Langtree and Chairman of Sci-Tech Daresbury, said: “2020 has been a year like no other, with our businesses and the campus itself having to adapt to new ways of working and address a range of challenges that were impossible to predict.

“Given the way the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted so many elements of our life, it is a testament to the drive, creativity and continued commitment to innovation and collaboration that so many of our companies have continued to flourish in such exacting circumstances.

“As we look ahead to 2021, we can take great heart in the continued demand for office and lab space, exemplified by several of our buildings reaching capacity and work beginning on our latest outstanding facility, Project Violet.

“Our businesses have a huge part to play in driving forward both the local and national economy in the years to come, and we are committed to supporting them in reaching their potential.”

Steve Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, added: “Our region is very lucky to have Sci-Tech Daresbury, home to some world-leading businesses and research organisations who are doing some incredible work in the fields of science, technology and industries of the future.

“We’ve invested £8.4m to help the site continue to grow and succeed and to ensure that we’re able to offer the world-class facilities to keep attracting new businesses and jobs to the area. It’s fantastic to see that, despite the difficulties this year has thrown up for all of us, they have continued to flourish.”

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