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Salford campaign to debunk perceptions about research and innovation

The University of Salford has invested in a new campaign to challenge public perception about research and innovation.

It Starts In Salford aims to showcase the groundbreaking research taking place at the institution and its impact on our lives.

The reason being that a recent report by CaSE (Campaign for Science and Engineering) showed that the many believed that innovation was a “a luxury with little  relevance to daily life.” 

“At the University of Salford, we find solutions  to the really hard to solve problems facing the world around us. We work with our partners to improve healthcare, help people with their energy bills, make the world sound better, boost the economy and influence policy, and more,” said Professor Penny Cook, Interim Pro-Vice Chancellor Research and Enterprise at the University of Salford.

“We know that not everyone is aware of the role that a University plays in transforming the everyday lives of people and communities, and we hope that  our new campaign will help to shine a spotlight on some of the ways that our research here in Salford is shaping the wider world.” 

The series of videos show researchers demonstrating how their work shapes the world around us and focuses on 4 themes – building prosperity and equity, improving sustainability, enabling healthier living and developing creativity and innovation.  

It was produced by local filmmaker, Charles Leek, working with the agency, Nectar Creative. The soundtrack was created by Creative Music Technology student. Adam Rowe.

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