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PureAlign creates AI-powered, 3D printed dental tech

A Yorkshire start-up is hoping to revolutionise orthodontics by created AI-powered, sustainable, 3D-printed clear aligners.

It comes following recent research, which looked into the ecological impact of clear aligner treatment around the world, finding that 728m plastic models and aligners have been either sent to landfill or incinerated. 

That’s where PureAlign comes in. It aims to eliminate some of that waste, cut out complex global supply chains and reduce the waiting time – and costs.

The tech involves scanning the mouth with immediate digital imagery; AI-powered treatment planning and then on-the-spot 3D printing of aligners in dental offices. 

The AI analyses the scans, to predict the movement of each tooth, generates their target positions and creates the corresponding series of clear aligners for direct production without manufacturing models. 

“There has been rapid development and advancement in dental technology in the past decade, improving patient outcomes, but with a heavy environmental toll,” said Dr Jack Slaymaker, who co-authored the ecological impact study. He’s also a general dental practitioner and advisor to the company.

“The growing demand for clear aligner therapy has resulted in millions of models and aligners being discarded yearly. There is an urgent need for a sustainable and environmentally conscious solution.

“Direct 3D printing would drastically reduce material wastage as millions of models would not need to be printed. It would also reduce the environmental impact of transporting/posting aligners across large distances, with the ability to produce aligners in house.”

PureAlign was founded by Executive Directors, Joe Leek and Will Wraithwood, who have a background in commercial dental laboratories. 

The business is backed by Sheffield venture capital company, Yorkshire AI Labs, which is leading an initial round of fundraising to help it bring the product to market and achieve its high growth potential.

“We are delighted to be backing Joe and Will and their team,” said David Richards MBE, Managing Partner of Yorkshire AI Labs. 

“We are very excited by PureAlign and its clever technology which can cut out the waste caused by orthodontic treatments. 

“Under the current approach, the amount of non-recyclable plastic required to treat just 250 patients would top Emley Moor television tower. It is mind boggling.”

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