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Loaded PR teams up with journalist to develop Dewsbury communications strategy

Dewsbury - Loaded PR

Leeds-based PR and communications agency Loaded PR has been appointed by Dewsbury Town Deal Board to develop a full communications strategy.

As part of the contract, the agency will develop an internal and external communications strategy designed to engage the local community and attract key stakeholders.

It is the next phase of the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan, after Dewsbury secured significant funds to deliver nine projects to boost opportunities, accessibility and diversity within the town.

Dewsbury was awarded £25m from the Government’s Towns Fund and, along with wider investment from Kirklees Council and other sources, around £60m will be invested in the regeneration of the town.

For Loaded PR, founded by Gemma Birbeck in 2019, it is one of the first major public sector contracts the agency has secured. To deliver the contract, Birbeck has teamed up with local journalist Martin Shaw, who has been working with Loaded PR since August 2020.

He has strong family roots in Dewsbury, his grandfather Herbert Farrar Shaw OBE served as Mayor of Dewsbury in 1933-35 and his parents were both born in the town. 

Gemma, director of Loaded PR, said: “Dewsbury is a town with an incredible history and it’s an honour to work with Dewsbury Town Deal Board in communicating the plans, aims and ambitions to restore the town’s fortunes.

“The Government’s Towns Fund has given Dewsbury a unique opportunity and it’s exciting for us to help engage with – and involve – the local community and stakeholders in Dewsbury Town Deal Board’s plans for the future.”

Martin added: “I’m passionate about Dewsbury, its past and its future, and to be able to work alongside Loaded PR and Dewsbury Town Deal Board is an absolute privilege.

“Over the last two years I’ve seen the passion, skill and expertise of the team at Loaded PR and it’s great that I can work with Gemma and the team to develop a strategy for Dewsbury that can help build a lasting legacy for the town.”

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