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BrewDog founder announces new “brand building” business

James Watt, the founder and former CEO of BrewDog, has announced details of his new business, which will officially launch later this year.

Social Tip will be in the “brand building space” and is based in Scotland, but Watt said he was already hiring for a US General Manager.

“I will share the full details with all of you very soon and we are launching this Summer,” he stated.

“The new business will be in the brand building space and will focus on building community and rewarding everyday people for genuine brand advocacy and love. The business is called Social Tip.

“We already have an amazing team of 8 people and I am looking for a few driven individuals to help me build a remarkable company.”

According to the Social Tip website, it will reward cash when people post about brands. This will be based on the reach and engagement of the post.

It states:

“We help turn a brand’s customers into their influencers.

“This is good old-fashioned word of mouth marketing, but amplified for the digital age and saleable through our innovative technology

“The conventional ways of marketing are becoming less and less effective.  70% of people no longer trust adverts, Gen Z are allergic to anything that looks or feels like marketing and it is increasing difficult for brands to connect authentically on fragmented online platforms.

“In short, the old ways of marketing are broken.”

Companies House lists Watt as the only director, with the correspondence address care of Brewdog.

Watt stepped down as Brewdog CEO in May, moving into a newly-created, non-executive position of “captain and co-founder.”

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