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Aberfield Communications wins marketing brief for West Yorkshire college


Leeds-based agency Aberfield Communications has been appointed by Calderdale College to design and deliver an integrated marketing plan.

The agency will be creating the marketing strategy for Collaborative Apprenticeships, a project set to run until 2023, which is focused on increasing and improving the quality of apprenticeships in Calderdale and its surrounding areas.

Aberfield will then develop and deliver an integrated plan to drive enquiries through a combination of paid and earned activity including PR, case studies, PPC, social media and website and event support.

The Collaborative Apprenticeships project is managed by the West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Calderdale College is supporting the delivery of the project and will be launching a range of free training courses, providing support around apprenticeships targeted at SMEs in the Calderdale area.

Claire Williams, Head of Employer Engagement at Calderdale College, said: “We received a high volume of applications to become our marketing partner for the project, but what stood out about Aberfield was its audience-first approach and deep understanding of SMEs in the area. Their insight really shone through in the pitch, and we were impressed with how their plans ticked all the boxes – and more – of what we had envisioned for the programme.

“Aberfield has been a trusted partner of Calderdale College for many years, and we’re excited to be continuing to develop this relationship.”

Tim Downs, Director at Aberfield, added: “We’re looking forward to supporting such an important project for Calderdale College.

“Apprenticeships bring so many benefits to employers, but our insight shows us that it’s not always easy for employers, and particularly for time-poor SME owners, to understand how they can easily implement high-quality apprenticeships within their own businesses. We’ll be tackling this throughout our campaign through a combination of tactics, but with our audience at the heart.”

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