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What I’ve Learnt: Gemma Ward, Head of Marketing, Trafford Centre

Gemma Ward

Gemma Ward is head of marketing at The Trafford Centre, a world-renowned shopping and leisure destination in Greater Manchester.

Within a few months of joining Trafford Centre as marketing manager in 2023, Ward was promoted to head of marketing.

Prior to this, she was associate director at Shoppertainment management and marketing manager at lbn Battuta Mall in Dubai.

From lucky breaks to failures, she shares all the lessons across her life and career so far…

Which single daily habit or practice could you not do without?

I wouldn’t say I have a daily habit, but I definitely live by the saying ‘A Sunday well spent brings a week of content’. Both being a mum and having a career are both really important to me, so in order to balance both I have to make sure I am really organised. To help with that, Sundays are a big preparation day for me – making sure I feel ready for whatever the week ahead holds at Trafford Centre.

What’s been your luckiest break?

At the age of 24, I had a life-changing opportunity to move to Dubai. With only a suitcase to my name, I left my role as an account manager in a Manchester-based marketing agency and moved to the Middle East. I didn’t have a job secured, but I was determined and excited at all the adventures that lay ahead. I soon found myself back in the world of marketing and, for the 15 years that I lived in Dubai, was able to develop my career at a range of amazing companies, including well-known property developers Nakheel. I guess I would say that was my lucky break, as it was a real risk at the time, but ended up being an incredible experience that I wouldn’t swap for anything.

What’s your best failure?

I can’t recall a particular failure, but there’s certainly been plenty of times where things haven’t quite gone to plan! I think the most important thing when dealing with failure is to learn from them, so if it happens again, you know how to deal with it and can pivot quickly. Some of my most valuable learnings in my career have been when challenges have arisen, and I’ve had to take a deep breath and find a solution. By dealing with circumstances like that, you build up your resilience, which is such a vital proponent to have!

What is the best investment you’ve ever made, either financial or time?

I believe investing time in people and building relationships is the best investment anyone can ever make. It’s a motto that rings true for both my personal and professional lives and has been an instrumental part of my success.

Which podcast or book would you recommend others to read and why?

The Subtle Art of not giving a F**k by Mark Manson is a great book that explains the importance of focusing on what is important to you and not being steered by what other people think. It’s such a valuable lesson and is definitely one that I am still working on and trying to master.

What one piece of advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

It might not be the juiciest advice, but it would be to focus on saving and investing sooner! Personal finance is so important, and I wish it was taught more thoroughly in school. Having an understanding of your own finances is such a necessity, as well as being really empowering.

Who or what has had the single biggest influence on your working life?

Definitely my grandad. I came from humble beginnings and the drive and determination that now dictates my career, is definitely something that is fuelled from my upbringing and all that he taught me. He always reminded me that it doesn’t matter where you come from, you just have to believe in yourself and you can be whatever you want to be.

Tell us something about you that would surprise people.

Most people meeting me now would be surprised that I spent most of my adult life living in the Middle East! It was an experience that really shaped me, and I still hold very close to my heart.

If there was one thing you could change about your career, what would it be and why?

I believe that every career move and choice I have made has brought me to the current position I’m in at Trafford Centre. And whilst I’ve faced tricky challenges and had to overcome them, I wouldn’t change anything about my career. It’s cheesy but it’s true – I have no regrets!

What does success look like to you?

The key bit for me is waking up every day and being excited to go to work – something which I’m lucky that I nearly always feel at Trafford Centre, no two days are ever the same in the world of retail. That and having a good work life balance, is the focus for me.

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