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What I’ve Learnt: Bethan Vincent, Managing Partner, Open Velocity


Bethan Vincent set up Open Velocity, a marketing strategy consultancy earlier this year.

Based in York, the consultancy works with start-up and scale-up tech companies looking to accelerate growth. 

Before launching the consultancy, Vincent previously held senior roles in the industry as Marketing Director at Netsells and Marketing Manager at Bytemark.

Even though the company has only been operating for a few months, Open Velocity has already signed up YorkTest, Impression, University of York and Lead Tech as clients.

She shared all the lessons she has learnt…


Which single daily habit or practice could you not do without?

I try and incorporate some form of exercise into every day. Some days that’s just going for a walk, other days its going to CrossFit or a run. I’ve had this habit since my student days and its kept me moving throughout the years!

What’s been your luckiest break?

I was awarded an enterprise grant while studying at The University of York. This funded me for 6 weeks over the summer to pursue a business idea and ultimately is what got me hooked on marketing and building businesses.

What’s your best failure?

The business I started with the enterprise grant! It was an ecommerce start-up in the coffee space. We had shocking margins (read: none), which ultimately led to its demise. However I built the entire website myself and did all of our marketing, which is what led me down my marketing career and ultimately into setting up Open Velocity.

What is the best investment you’ve ever made, either financial or time?

My university degree, which I suppose is both a financial and time commitment. I studied History, which doesn’t provide the clearest career route as degrees go. However it’s where I learned to think deeply, critically and for myself – invaluable skills for any business owner I feel.

Which book would you recommend others to read and why?

Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin. It’s a very honest look at the world of start-ups, the pitfalls of raising investment and the downsides of the growth at all costs mindset of silicon valley. It’s one of the reasons I set-up Open Velocity with a focus on being profitable from day one – having solid unit economics takes away a lot of pain.

What one piece of advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Relax and enjoy your 20s. You don’t need to have all the answers now. Also don’t buy THOSE jeans.

Who or what has had the single biggest influence on your working life?

My parents always pushed me to have a better work ethic (I was quite lazy at school). I’m now very thankful they did that and didn’t leave me to coast along.

Tell us something about you that would surprise people.

I stood as a parliamentary candidate in the 2017 general election for the Green Party.

How will the COVID crisis change work for the better?

I think remote working is the opportunity of the decade. While I do agree face to face time is important in any organisations, the flexibility remote working brings is a massive bonus to employers and employees. We are structured as a remote first company to allow us to work with international companies, alongside giving us the flexibility to hire the best talent across the UK. We also recognise the benefits this brings to staff from increased wellbeing to decreased commute times (and the environmental benefits this bring too!).

What does success look like to you?

Personally = the satisfaction from a good job done every time we deliver for a client. For the business = we have huge ambitions and are aiming to be a global team within the next five years.

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