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A Week in My Life: Rebecca Worsley, Director, Rainy City Agency

Rebecca - Rainy City Agency

Founded and led by Rebecca Worsley, Rainy City Agency says it’s the UK’s only female-led Shopify Plus Partner.

Based in Leigh, the web design and ecommerce agency has 18 staff and ambitious plans to grow its presence in the US.

Worsley shared how a recent week in her life went…



We work from the office on a Monday so it’s a great time for the whole team to meet, have internal meetings and collaborate on upcoming projects, events and agency operations. We start Monday’s off with a full project run-thru, where we analyse each client account and project and go thru progress, remove any blockers within the team or process and continue to move forward – we find this allows the team to get on the same page and provide any clarity that’s needed. We run thru any pipelined new projects and look at the finances and deliverables for each.

We run a ’10 at 10′ where we do any company announcements, team or individual well done’s and anything else that needs mentioning.

The rest of my day is filled with sales calls and internal meetings as and where i’m needed. I do late night meetings on a Monday as the majority of brands we work with are US based, it allows them to have a later slot especially those on the west coast.


Tuesday mornings I start my day with yoga – I block out meetings until 11.30am to allow me to focus on email catch up, team catch-ups and then go to my yoga class to get my mindset aligned for the day ahead. I had a meeting with Shopify Plus today where we went thru our 2023 planning particularly focussed around the events we’re hosting for the first six months of the year and aligning expectations. I had some exciting client calls with some big Manchester brands which will hopefully result in a new signed client.

We also won two new contracts for a wine brand and a jewellery brand, both based in the US!


Yoga to start my day again! I then had a big finance and operations run thru with my Ops Director, we sat for a good 4 hours revisiting budgets and goals for 2023.

The start to the year is going much stronger than we anticipated so we’re really gearing up even more for growth and ensuring the team are on track to remain efficient with deliverability and following new process.

I don’t do any client calls on a Wednesday so it allows me flexibility to do big internal meetings and any travel for client meetings when needed.


Another project won! The agency is really smashing its targets and goals for the month and quarter – super excited to see where this year takes us.

Today is a fairly quiet day and has allowed me some breathing space to work thru some admin – we’re launching a new marketing arm to the business offering Facebook Ads Management to high level clients and have spent the day planning what this is going to look like and what our outreach strategy will look like too. I had some more proposals to write so managed to get thru a lot.

Tonight we’re co-hosting a dinner at The Ivy with Shopify Plus, we’ve invited four brands to an all paid for dinner and drinks evening. We talked about all things Shopify Plus, current business challenges and growth goals for the year. We love getting brands together like this – to meet and network but also learn from each other, everyone at the event was a high growth merchant with revenues in the millions, so it was a balanced evening where we spoke on challenges and successes with great food and drink!


TGIF! This week has been a busy one, Friday’s we go into the office, the vibe is much different on a Friday everyone is much more relaxed and ready for the weekend after a busy week. A little late in the year but we ran our first ‘All Hands’, this was time for the senior management team to reflect on the 2022 successes and learnings and what we’re planning on implementing for 2023. We ran thru each departments targets and agency goals for the year and everyone is excited for what’s to come as we continue our growth journey.

A final few client calls to end the week and the signing of two new retainers – this week has been a mad one but also a very successful one.

Friday’s always end with us on the beanbags emptying the beer fridge and relaxing into the weekend.

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