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A Week in My Life: Lee Holdsworth, CEO of WhiteNoise Media


WhiteNoise Media is a digital marketing agency that utilises AI marketing, insight, tactical planning, compelling creativity and filmmaking to give brands an edge.

Working across the multi-channel landscape from social media to TV advertising, the team plans strategic campaigns, create engaging content and measure ROI to deliver game-changing results.

Lee Holdsworth, WhiteNoise Media CEO, shares what a week in his working life is really like…



The start of the week means a busy day of internal meetings to ensure projects and campaigns are all on track, and also to share challenges and successes with the wider team. First of all, however, Gracie and Stanley (my Italian greyhounds) need a morning walk before I head into the office. 

Monday morning meetings always get me focused for the week ahead and it’s great to see the team present some impressive results across paid campaigns and some really effective video creative. I use these sessions to try and structure our week and to make sure we continue to push our clients – and ourselves – one step further.

With the team meeting done, it’s time to focus on a busy schedule of new business opportunities with our Digital Director Euan. Currently, we are working on exciting projects with one of the biggest names in hospitality, as well as campaigns to launch the Tokyo 2020 Team GB awareness.


It’s a huge day for the business as we head to Paris to speak to our technology partners about the future direction of our AI-based platforms. Our aim is to constantly improve efficiency for our clients by delivering campaigns via technology, and opportunities to enhance our performance are incredibly valuable. By adding additional platforms to our services, we can keep our roadmap aligned with the latest consumer trends (plus we get to go to Paris!).

Upon landing in Paris, the inevitable phone notifications go wild for a few minutes. The mix of work emails, WhatsApp group chats, texts (who still sends these?) and Instagram notifications eventually stop, only to be replaced by Uber and what seems to be my cab driving sideways on the map towards me!

Once settled, we get to see the latest in AI technology and the platform roadmaps based on our requests. It’s really exciting to see the developments that will allow us to implement and improve our data-driven marketing approach. All in all a great day, and time for a few drinks to celebrate. After all…when in Paris!


So – Wednesday morning. Time for a quick gym session to clear last night’s cobwebs and then head back to Manchester. The brilliant thing about the meeting yesterday is that it instantly gets the creative juices going. How can we activate new campaigns for our clients? How can we develop their audience? How can we implement new tools into our strategy?

Wednesday also means I get to share one of my other passions with people – I like to produce music and have recently launched my own record label, allowing me to create my own tracks. The feedback has been good but I’m still trying to work out how I can get myself booked as a resident in an Ibiza superclub for next year…


First on the agenda today is our accounts meeting. It’s not the most exciting of tasks but it is essential and it keeps me connected to costs, allowing me to understand what areas of the business to invest in to continue our evolution.

After the finance update is done, it’s one of my favourite times of the week – I have a full diary of calls with potential new clients. The diary starts with a Hotel Group to discuss upcoming Q4 campaigns and to help them understand the opportunity that lies within their current customer data (which they do not use effectively at the moment). One of the main things I see now is: although businesses are aware of opportunities for data-led marketing, a lot of them are not utilising even the basic elements.

Rather than using traditional sales techniques, we can provide a more educational conversation to potential clients thanks to the ad technology available to us. By constantly evaluating customer trends, data and results, we have real facts to share with clients, giving them a great insight into how we work as a business. 

A few more calls and a very successful day of new business is done.


Friday for most people means cooling down (or doing shots) as the weekend approaches, but not this weekend as I’m directing a music video in New York! It’s time to get packed and head to the airport.

Although our digital marketing side of the business continues to rapidly expand, there’s no denying our roots as a video production company. Video continues to be the preferred content choice for users all over the world, and, with the rise of social and streaming sites, the need to create engaging music videos is more important than ever. 

The video will be shot across the Bushwick area of Brooklyn before going through our post-studio back in Manchester. Brooklyn has to be one of my favourite backdrops – the Manhattan skyline, the interesting textures, iconic architecture and murals to some of its favourite heroes (Biggie), you can see why filmmakers flock to this New York borough.

I’ve got the storyboard here to give one final look on the plane, but the idea of free tiny bottles of wine and Virgin’s inflight entertainment sounds much more appealing.

Time to sit back and watch Anchorman, so I will leave you with this quote: “60% of the time, it works every time.”

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