A Week In My Life: Dianne Oxberry, BBC North West Tonight weather presenter


In the first of a new regular feature for Prolific North, Dianne Oxberry runs through a week in her working life. To suggest a senior media or creative figure for A Week In My Life, email david@prolificnorth.co.uk


The return of Inside Out North West on BBC 1 shakes up my week. We film across the region covering stories on stalking, fly-tipping, modern slavery and diabetes. It brings original and important stories to our screens and holds people to account. As the country’s most watched regional current affairs programme, it’s a mix that works.

I’m really proud to be part of Inside Out. It’s in its 30th series but you wouldn’t think it. The original stories keep coming as we continue to explore the nationwide concerns and issues affecting our communities.


Tuesday is “links” day on Inside Out. Outdoor filming showcases the North West and the weather plays along so we manage to shoot nine links in good time.

Then back to the weather job which is never boring. At 5pm the sky goes black and all hell breaks loose. Thunderstorms trash the region and it becomes a news story. Even the Manchester City game is cancelled. After 20 years as a weather presenter (that can’t be right… how old AM I?) the weather can still surprise me.


On Wednesday I’m off to Newark to speak to National Grid about plans for giant pylons in Cumbria. Locals don’t want 50m (double the usual size) pylons, they say are an “act of corporate vandalism” – but compromise and consultation continues. We’re armed with a drone and as the sun is scorching so the shots will look amazing, as will my makeup which melts in a psychedelic haze.

A two-hour drive and I’m back in Manchester at 7.45pm instead of the usual finish of 11pm, result!


Before I know it Friday has come around again, it’s the end of another busy week and time for a quick look at what’s happening on twitter. I can’t honestly say I have embraced social media but today we have shaken hands and eyed each other up!

Next week on Inside Out you’ll see me meeting the remarkable Liverpool doctor who came to the UK as a child refugee from Afghanistan and is now pioneering a unique medical system to help hospitals in his homeland.

So it’s more of the same but that’s the great thing about my job – it never is the same.

Dianne Oxberry presents the regional weather on North West Tonight as well as regional investigations programme Inside Out North West both on BBC One.

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