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My Influences: Dora Papp-Sutcliffe, Operations Manager, HUB

Dora - HUB agency

Dora Papp-Sutcliffe joined Leeds-based integrated agency HUB five years ago as an account manager, before rising through the ranks to operations manager.

From the film industry in Hungary to the dynamic world of agency life, she’s had a unique career journey and previously worked on projects for brands such as Campari, PlayStation, Taco Bell, Asda/Walmart and Quorn.

In her role at HUB, named one of Prolific North’s Top 50 Integrated Agencies for 2023, she’s the one making sure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Here, she shares her top three influences with us.

“The individuals and places that have shaped my career are not your usual suspects, but they hold a special place in my professional journey. In a world of female empowerment, my greatest inspirations have been strong female figures who have shown me the ropes in the world of business,” explains Dora Papp-Sutcliffe.

The person that has inspired my working career the most, and why?

First and foremost, I must pay homage to my mother, Edit Nagy. She is far more than just a mother; she’s an incredible force of nature whose work has significantly influenced my professional choices. Long before I was born, she was a pillar of the International Hungarian film-making community. I had the privilege of witnessing her career evolve as I grew up. Although it was unconventional to have production drivers pick me up from school while my mum was in the woods shooting the next big film for days, I grew accustomed to it. Her work taught me invaluable lessons in problem-solving and instilled in me the belief that there is always a solution. This has been one of the most profound lessons anyone could impart.

Another person deserving of mention is Helen Hudson, the founder and managing director of HUB. Helen has been instrumental in guiding me to where I am today. Her dedication and determination to make things work have been a profound source of inspiration. I am fortunate to have a boss who not only leads but also teaches and inspires me along the way.

Last but by no means least, there’s Jon Hutman, an Emmy award-winning designer, with whom I had the pleasure of working with during an independent film production directed by Angelina Jolie. Jon has imparted invaluable lessons about the creative process, the logic behind creativity, and the rationale behind ideas that have continued to shape my career and paved the way to agency operations where understanding how things work is instrumental.

The place that has inspired my working career the most, and why?

I’ll embrace the cliché and say that HUB has been the place that inspired me the most to grow, think differently, and push my boundaries to make a difference. I’ve worked on a diverse array of challenging and fascinating projects, from documentaries shot in locations as diverse as Moldova and New York to experiencing the calming professionalism of the Amsterdam agency scene, and the ceaseless buzz of the Budapest film community. Yet, nothing has excited me as much as making a difference in a place where my contributions are valued, considered, appreciated, and implemented.

The thing that has inspired my working career the most, and why?

Around six or seven years ago, I underwent a significant shift in my career. I made the decision to move on from the world of TV and film production. As my husband humorously put it, it was time for me to “find a normal job.” I resisted this transition tirelessly, always yearning for the nomadic life of a filmmaker. The thrill that a new project brought, where everything had to be built from the ground up, was simply exhilarating.

In film production, every project follows a predictable yet mesmerizing trajectory: Conception, financing, pre-production, production, post production, and the endless cycle of promotion and marketing. What never ceased to amaze and captivate me was the meticulous selection of every crew member for their roles. Each person had a part to play, and every role was considered pivotal to the project’s success. The hierarchical structure of the crew, somewhat akin to a military organisation, was the beauty of it all. With 500 to 1,000 people living and breathing the same goal, there was a profound sense of satisfaction in understanding one’s role and wholeheartedly believing in it. I aspire to see this order, process, and dedication implemented in agency life, where mundane routines can set in, and clients may lose their initial sparkle. But if we, as a team, can consistently remind ourselves of our shared goal, we can work cohesively towards it, just as in the world of film production.

In conclusion, the influences and inspirations that have sculpted my career are a testament to the power of strong role models, meaningful places, and a profound belief in the value of one’s role in a team. Each experience, each mentor, and each place has contributed to my journey, shaping me into the professional I am today.

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