How I Became: Daniel Wigley, Co-founder, Fabric Analytics

Daniel Wigley

Daniel Wigley is co-founder of Fabric Analytics, a specialist Google Marketing platform and website experience agency.

The Manchester-based agency, launched in April 2023 by Daniel Wigley and Ric Riley, works with clients including Castore, Sweaty Betty, Card Factory, Modern Milkman, Astrid & Miyu, Zuto, Spa Breaks and Brother.

Although the agency has only been operating for just over a year, Fabric Analytics recently revealed a rebrand and new website and has rapidly expanded to a team of 12.

Here, Wigley shares a glimpse into his career journey and some savvy words of advice…

How did you first get into your industry?

Weirdly by total mistake! I was on a graduate trainee programme at Manchester Airport Group and a role became available to start the digital analytics/website experience team and the rest is history! Crazy really!

What do you love about your job?

I love being able to make an instant impact to data quality and website performance. I love being part of our clients’ business to drive their performance forward. I love working with my team and the excitement we ooze when we’re all working together on a challenge!

Who – or what – has inspired you in your career?

My mum has always been a huge inspiration to me. She instilled in me a HUGE work ethic to put in the graft to achieve whatever you set your mind too. I’ve had a few fantastic mentors in my career (too many to single out!) who have been super impactful too and helped shape and mold me into the person I am today.

What are the biggest challenges about your job?

We’ve been live 15 months but the biggest challenge is switching from a ‘big six agency’ to a start up. We don’t have teams and teams of people so it’s been super hard to get to grips with sourcing an office, tax, payroll etc! All fun though!

What skills have been the most crucial to you succeeding in your career so far?

Listening. That’s both great for internal and external working. In my role we listen to client challenges, take them away and craft a solution vs forcing one upon them. A big part of my role is also managing the teams that deliver that activity, so approaching leadership with humility and empathy is also very important too.

What was your first salary and what could someone getting into the industry expect to earn nowadays?

My first salary was £18k, I think entry level in our field should be around the £20k mark. It’s super important to surround yourself with experts and learn as much as you can from the best practitioners vs taking a quick salary jump. It’ll pay dividends much later on in your career.

What education or training would be most useful for someone looking to follow your career path?

It’s a weird one really. Ideally you’d have some kind of computer science/coding background but some of the best people I know did education not related to this field. I’d suggest hands on is the best way to go surrounded by a team of skilled people.

What advice would you have for someone looking to follow your path?

Be humble, be patient, be kind. Learn as much as you can put in the work.

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