My Influences: Lydia Crossley, Founder, Good Morning Digital

Lydia - Good Morning Digital

Lydia Crossley is the founder of Cumbria-based marketing consultancy Good Morning Digital and a CIM Chartered Marketer.

She launched Good Morning Digital in 2021, after 16 years working in senior marketing roles at organisations such as the Lake District National Park Authority.

Through her work as a brand and marketing consultant, she works with clients across the UK and beyond in industries from education to tourism, art, home & lifestyle and sustainable fashion.

Here, she shares her top three influences.

The person that has inspired my working career the most, and why

I have always found the same kind of people, with certain qualities to be those that have really inspired my career. In the early days I would always try to blend a little sense of what I thought they had with my own unique approach, whether managing a team, project or client… I am drawn to positive people with a sense of enthusiasm that radiates around the room when they are part of it.

I love it when someone’s driving purpose and passion gets people excited and brings a team together. When you are ready for a meeting and then at the last minute a particular someone can’t make it and it feels disappointing, that’s THE person, I’m talking about. Often what comes naturally with people like this is a sense of fun, humility and a supportive mentorship vibe. It is difficult to place one specific name over another, but lets just say I have been lucky enough to have worked alongside a few so far.

The place that has inspired my working career the most, and why

There are two special places – Lancashire and Cumbria. Lancashire, where I was born, lived and spent my education – with a special mention to Lancaster University. Completing my Marketing degree at Lancaster in 2006 was an absolute underlining of three fabulous years. I love everything Lancaster University is and stands for, particularly the Management School, where I learned so much as a bright eyed marketer, full of energy and ready to get out into the world!

It’s great to go back as a proud Alumni, even now 16 years on, it feels bigger and better than ever. Cumbria – my home now and where I have had enjoyed some fantastic roles in great organisations, has also had a great impact. I have met some incredible people during my time as a senior marketer here, firstly across seven years in sport and leisure and secondly, six years at Lake District National Park.

It was really special to be welcomed into innovative organisations and given the freedom to build my own teams, strategies and to ultimately shape those all-important brand and marketing successes. Now, as a business founder, working with clients in Lancashire, Cumbria and beyond – it feels the perfect way to be involved in the places I love and the industry I love too.

The thing that has inspired my working career the most, and why

I believe the transferable skills from sport have had a big impact on the way I approach work (and life). As a youngster I was always playing sport – tennis, hockey, badminton, football, cricket, everything! If it involved a racket, stick, ball and a dose of tactical teamwork, I’d be there.

Over those early years I was really lucky to be a team captain for quite a few junior teams and it was a great little insight. It was an early test of my ability to motivate, create strategies, encourage the ability and confidence in people and just to feel what it’s actually like to win, lose and draw (and we did it all, week in week out!). I love to see juniors starting out in sport and also those just having a go at any age, it really is never too late and being part of a team, whether you are winning or not, is always a great place to learn and meet new people. It’s not that different to the world of work, after all.

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