My Influences: Bethanie Durham, Associate Director at NORTH

Bethanie Durham

Bethanie Durham is associate Director at NORTH.

Based in Newcastle, the content performance and digital PR agency was set up as an offshoot of global marketing group N21 in 2021.

Working with clients such as Hello Fresh and Green Chef, Bethanie shared her top three influences that have helped to shape her personal life and career…


The person that has inspired my working career the most, and why

Probably my Mam. She’s always pushed me to do things that are out of my comfort zone and try lots of different things. I was a really shy child but being dragged along to gymnastics, Brownies, orchestra made me meet a lot of people and get me out of my shell. Without that confidence and sense of outgoing, I probably would have had a very different career and a much more difficult time in this big world! She raised three children and worked alongside that too, so she was very inspirational herself.

The place that has inspired my working career the most, and why

N21 of course! I came from a not-so-nice agency where you were really put in a box and were made to believe you couldn’t really go anywhere. When I came to N21, it was a real shock, as you were given the chance to learn new things, try new things, make mistakes and given a clear path of progression.

It was also very hands-off which was new for me and makes such a difference. You have a development plan, endless amounts of training and are given true support. My outlook on my career (any myself) transformed within a short period of time, and I’ve been promoted three times in five years to Associate Director. I’ve taken on board everything that’s been said to me and worked on everything I needed to and it’s worked out great.

The thing that has inspired my working career the most, and why

The thing that’s inspired me the most is seeing other successful women in this space achieve and do great things. Again, my first role was in a very male-dominated company, where women didn’t seem to get very far. After I came to N21, about two thirds of management roles were filled by women, and it was extremely refreshing. Coming to an agency where I could see people like me achieve a lot was very inspirational and rewarding.

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