What I’ve Learnt: David O’Hearns, Creative Director, Dawn Creative


David O’Hearns founded Dawn Creative in 2014.

Based in Cheadle, Dawn Creative is a brand agency working with clients including CBD brand Inspired Life, Amplifon and Zen Internet.

Initially starting out as a graphic designer at Origin Creative, he now leads Dawn Creative where the agency works with owners, directors and marketing teams to develop or manage their brands.

As 2022 is a key milestone for David and marks his 25th year in the creative industry, we found out all the lessons he has learnt.


Which single daily habit or practice could you not do without?

It’s not quite daily, but I have to run. Five times a week if possible. It’s the one thing that changes me as a person more than anything else. It gives me the energy I need to run my agency, be a good dad, husband, son and friend and to coach my son’s football team. It changes your mood, creates a positive mindset and makes you feel great.

What’s been your luckiest break?

I wouldn’t say I’ve had a ‘luckiest break’. I believe you have to work hard for things. I’ve been employed, made redundant, walked out of an agency I owned with nothing (too long to tell the story here) and created Dawn on my own. I guess, if I had to say one thing, it would be getting my first ever job in design – I went for the job, was told my portfolio was too good (as it was more an artworker they were looking for) and then they created a junior designer role out of thin air.

What’s your best failure?

Probably some of my very early work. I look back now and realise how little I knew. It takes years to be an accomplished designer and to add value to all that you do. The main thing about failure is that you accept it will always happen, deal with that and always learn.

What is the best investment you’ve ever made, either financial or time?

Time for keeping fit is hugely important. If I’m not at my best how can I help and be there for other people in my life? Also, the purchase of my first ever house at 24 years of age which doubled in price over four years. Happy days!

Which book would you recommend others to read and why?

Oooh, I have quite a few. “Predictably Irrational” by Dan Ariely is great and I reference it a lot. I also pick out points from “They Ask, You Answer”, by Marcus Sheridan.

What one piece of advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Do not think of yourself as simply a designer. Design is way more important than making things look good. Design can change anything and everything and shapes all of our lives everyday. You don’t often notice great design as it causes no problems, but you certainly notice crap design. Take the game seriously and express your worth and value.

Who or what has had the single biggest influence on your working life?

I would have to say my Mum. Her attitude to life is immense. One of the most upbeat and positive people you will meet and she has worked two jobs her whole life.

Tell us something about you that would surprise people.

I’m partially blind in my right eye. A shock at the age of 13 to have to have laser treatment on a disease that makes you blind. Luckily the great people at Manchester Eye Hospital managed to stop it spreading. I can still spot bad typography a mile off, so there is no excuse for it. OK!

How will the COVID crisis change work for the better?

I think one of the best things is how people have embraced video calls. Pre the pandemic people would not want to use it, make excuses but now most meetings happen to be this way. I know at the end of a working week people can be tired of them but they’re better than a phone call, better than a long email and better than driving miles for unnecessary meetings. Plus, you get to know people and realise we all have a life outside of work. Hallelujah!!

What does success look like to you?

For me, it’s about being a little bit better than the day before. Over time you look back and think ‘Wow! Look how far we’ve come’. I say to my two boys “The more you do, the better you’ll get”. 25 years in the industry this year and I’m still looking to improve in all that I do.

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