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Mirror Editor says “many in the media world don’t ever leave London” ahead of Mirror Live


Ahead of The Daily Mirror’s live newspaper conference in Manchester Wednesday Evening, the Editor spoke to Prolific North about the media.

The conference, known as Mirror Live, aimed to engage with audiences outside of London and asked them whether the press pay enough attention to the needs of the North. 

The Daily Mirror is the only national newspaper who open up their conference to the public. 

Editor Alison Phillips and award-winning columnists Kevin Maguire, Fiona Phillips and Andy Dunn will all be at Mirror Live, at Hilton Deansgate Wednesday evening. 

“The Mirror’s heartland has always been in the north and so we do try to ensure we properly cover issues which matter to our readers in the north,” said Alison Phillips.

“Events like this are a good start – so many in the media world don’t ever leave London. We have a team of reporters based in Manchester, and writers and columnists working across the country – including Newcastle, Yorkshire and Liverpool.”

When asked about the paywalls or subscription models for newspaper’s websites, such as the one recently implemented by The Star in Sheffield, Alison commented: “I’m sceptical about paywalls for the Mirror at the moment, but I completely support our regional sister papers experimenting on this front. 

“Safeguarding the future of news is too important to rest on any assumptions – what wouldn’t have worked five years ago might work now and vice versa, so we all need to keep learning.”

Alison said that they were the second-largest newsbrand in the country and attributed it to having the print and digital teams working closely together. 

She added: “There will always be an appetite for breaking news and bringing a strong point of view to the table – we just need to make sure we’re delivering it in the way readers want it.”

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