What I’ve Learnt: Steven Oakes, CMO, Northcoders

Steven Oakes is CMO at Northcoders, a market leader in technology training in the UK.

He joined Northcoders in 2022 as director of marketing, before being promoted to his current role early in 2024.

Prior to Northcoders, he held various positions at Shoot The Moon Group and was instrumental in its acquisition of JGM in 2019 and its merger with Delineo two years later. Following the merger, he sat on the group board and leadership team of the newly formed STM_GRP.

From lucky breaks to failures, he shares all the lessons he’s learnt…

Which single daily habit or practice could you not do without?

Cycling to work on my cargo bike. I take my kids to school and nursery before heading to the office. It’s great for my health, spares me from traffic, and gives me valuable thinking time to kickstart the day.

What’s been your luckiest break?

In 2007, while studying Web Development, I built a website for a friend’s band. This led me to connect with Elbow’s manager, who asked me to help with their website. The project went well, inspiring me to drop out of university, cash in my credits for an HND, and start my own web development agency. From a tiny office, we created websites for artists under Richard Branson’s V2 record label, including Elbow, Stereophonics, Underworld, and Liberty X.

What’s your best failure?

In 2007, I met with Apple on the day the iPhone was released in the UK. I proposed offering full-length music streams with a subscription model, sharing revenue with publishers. They declined, saying iTunes existed mainly to sell more iPods and iPhones. Fast forward to 2014, Apple bought Beats Music for $3 billion. This taught me valuable lessons about timing, persistence, and innovation.

What is the best investment you’ve ever made, either financial or time?

Investing in coaching. At 30, during a major life transition, I worked with a life coach who helped me navigate to the next stage. This experience is why I now mentor others for free; I understand the value of having non-judgemental support during challenging times.

Which podcast or book would you recommend others to read and why?

Podcasts: Nudge explores behavioural science and decision-making influences; Uncensored CMO offers candid industry insights.

Books: The Illusion of Choice by Richard Shotton and Evolutionary Ideas by Sam Tatam provide unique perspectives on behavioural science and innovative solutions in business and marketing.

What one piece of advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Continue enjoying your 20s without worrying about your career — you can focus on that in your 30s. Embrace the freedom to explore, travel, and experience new things.

Who or what has had the single biggest influence on your working life?

My dad. Working with him at Warburtons during college taught me invaluable lessons in management and work ethic. He led by example, never asking others to do a job he wouldn’t do himself.

Tell us something about you that would surprise people.

I accidentally became the dancer for my friend’s band, the Clint Boon Experience, while at university. This led me to tour with them supporting Travis, including performances at Brixton Academy and the Reading and Leeds Festivals.

If there was one thing you could change about your career, what would it be and why?

I would have taken more risks earlier. My working-class background made me cautious, but embracing opportunities sooner could have accelerated my growth.

What does success look like to you?

Spending quality time with my young children and wife, appreciating our journey rather than racing to the finish line. Achieving a work-life balance where we create lasting memories without financial stresses, and finding fulfilment in work that makes a positive impact.

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