A Week in My Life: Vicky Hope, Co-Founder, LOOP Agencies

Vicky Hope is co-founder of Edinburgh-based LOOP Agencies.

The agency, co-founded by both Vicky Hope and Ed Vickers in 2022, has expanded from two leaders to a team of 16 now with a focus on prioritising both client success and employee wellbeing. 

Here, she shares a recent week in her life…


The week often starts on Sunday. Cashflow, month-end KPIs, focused thinking time you don’t often get in the week. Hence a sleepy start to Monday morning so missed the gym and drank too much coffee instead.

WeWork Edinburgh today with a few of the team preparing for lots of client meetings this week. It’s always good when our operations director is visiting from London, love spending time with him. Rounding off the day attending an AI event as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. They’re one of our fantastic clients so always give us the insights on the best events.


Firing on all cylinders and the best type of day. Full of client meetings. Today was a brief reception for one of our dedicated creative hubs, film content review, a strategic creative services workshop and coffee in Gleneagles Townhouse with clients.

But then walked home feeling stressed about a pitch I didn’t feel prepared for. The evening spent writing it, feeling the strain with my co-founder on hols so no one to bounce ideas off.


Worked from home so I could start early, reviewing work ready for a client creative presentation. Back-to-back Teams calls to review film budgets, a client event and strategy for the pitch deck.

Train to London this afternoon, bliss to have the time to clear the inbox and feel more control. Supper with my daughter in London, always the best when I can combine work with seeing her. Early night.


Days like this make it all so worth it. Brilliant to be in London WeWork with our design director and ops guy (again). Finishing off the pitch which has miraculously come together and checking some creative work for clients.

The biggest joy of starting an agency is how your network is there to support you. Coffee today with someone I last worked with 22 years ago, a very successful female agency co-founder who was so generous with her advice and support.

Stayed at their (very lovely, our future vision) offices to do our first global pitch. Pinch me moment presenting to clients from Singapore and America – two years in, didn’t dream we’d have this profile of opportunities – fingers cross we win it.

Lunch with the lads, pushing ourselves on how to make our product better then work on an Employer Brand strategy.

Such a wonderful evening reconnecting with my old boss, travelling back to the hotel feeling emotional about the power of the great people you meet in life who are there to support you.


I’d planned a cave day to finish prepping for our senior leadership planning day next week. Frustrated getting pulled into day-to-day tasks, but they needed to be done.

Strategy in good shape by powering through the day and a great catch with Ed (LOOP co-founder) who is back from hols on Monday, thank goodness!

Finished early to see Barbie exhibition at the Design Museum with my daughter before the late train home to Edinburgh. (Severe delays so girl maths said it made sense to stay and return the next day after shopping and brunch.)

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